Blockchains and NFT’s

Blockchain and CryptocurrenciesI am not overly technical. I am a wordsmith, storyteller, entertainer, educator, negotiator, writer, father, husband, and I like to think many other things. While I have always been interested in tech, my passions and hobbies have veered in other directions. I enjoy the fruits of technical labor but have never succeeded at crafting my own. However, that will change as I plan to integrate blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFT’s into my projects as much as makes sense.

I strongly believe that blockchain and, relatedly, cryptocurrencies, NFTS, and other Layer 2 technologies will become ubiquitous and will change daily life in the same vein as the internet. Like the internet, it may not be immediately obvious how such technology could change every day life. Remember, back in the ’90’s, commentators, the public at large, and, even, venture capitalists were scoffing at the internet. How could it possibly be of any use? Why would you buy something online when you could go buy the same thing in a store? Of course, now days, especially during the pandemic, I am far more likely to order something online and wait a day or two than I am to get in the car and drive some where!

In the same vein, blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFT’s will percolate into and affect every element of our every day lives. While the main stories around both are obsessed with investments and treating them like assets to be bought and sold, there is so much more going on. Yes, I have investments in crypto and am working on minting NFT’s, I’ve yet to purchase one but not because of a lack of interest. Yes, there is real value to be gained through investments in both. As an aside, in 2013, I played with the idea of purchasing a bitcoin mining rig, however, I’d just graduated from law school and did not yet have a job. I passed on the investment because at the time $300 was too dear to spend on a “toy.” Believe me, I wish I’d bought that toy!!!  Still, always forward.

We have only begun to scratch the surface of what will be enabled by blockchain technology and the idea of entirely unique digital goods. My focus in law school was intellectual property and included in that is an understanding of how the implementation of creativity has evolved over time. Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFT’s will cause evolution in the same way as grooved cylinders, cathode-ray tubes, and bits and bytes.  Decentralized finance, trust-less contracts, and infinitely traceable pieces of art will evolve into revolutions in supply chain management, real estate, concert tickets, consumption of intellectual property, and use cases we have not considered yet. After all, who among even the most future-savvy innovators of the internet would have imagined the internet we have today? Innovation begets innovation. 

One of my goals is to innovate in this space and find new ways to implement such technologies in traditional forms of publishing, investing, and sharing creativity. While the technology seems overwhelming at first, my experience has been that peeling back the layers has been simpler and easier to understand than I expected. This leads to my favorite part of this new world define by blockchains which is the power of the user to influence each element. If you believe in a specific blockchain, there is nothing stopping anyone, even a non-technical writer like me, from learning, developing, and augmenting the use cases. 
Something that is so revolutionary and yet so approachable must be on to something.


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