Non-Fungible Toys?

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing the world right under our feet. At the forefront of that evolution are non-fungible tokens, or NFT’s. However, right now NFT’s are most associated with pixelated characters, overpriced art, and games. We were promised revolution and all we have are non-fungible toys?
The mainstream view of NFT’s has been that of avatar pictures and generated image collections, not to mention the astronomical values that people have been placing on these images. This has generated ridicule and disbelief which, let’s face it, is probably somewhat deserved. I am not going to justify a jpeg being worth millions of dollars beyond two facts. First, someone wanted to spend that much on it and who am I to stop them. Second, it is what the NFT and even the silly jpeg represent that is so very exciting. Third, there is some seriously cool, digital art being sold and I think it being unique adds to its value.

The articles linked above are from solid sources and do attempt to explain NFT’s. However, they focus on how NFT’s have been used (for art) rather than expounding on potential. If you only look at the images then you may not see much use. I would point out that even as a simple art form they are quite interesting. Granted, there is a lot of junk but there is a lot of “junk” in real world art as well. You simply cannot search it as easily. On the other hand, one person’s junk is another’s treasure after all.

In 2010, Chris Dixon stated that the next big thing would look like a toy.  I think that blockchain and, especially, NFT’s fit this bill. At first glance, why do we need something like this? Everything can already be done to satisfaction. Like the recent Larry David commercial points out, things can be done better and crypto does better but do we recognize it? We have to look past where we are and see how things can grow. Technology improves. You cannot judge a technology by its original state but rather by its potential. After all, my babies can barely hold their heads up, but they have enormous potential!

Just like the internet, our usage of web3 and NFT’s will evolve over time. Games often drive innovation.  For example, many people did not see the need for the iPhone or have a desire to have a full phone screen.  Yet, games like Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja paved the way for more and more complicated apps. Those games and silly pictures paved the way for layers of more complicated uses. We will push the boundaries of smart contracts to do a little more, then a little more, etc, etc. Sometimes the next big thing looks like a toy because the first use case is as a toy.

There are many use cases for NFT’s already in development and I am sure that there will be many more as innovate begets innovation. There will be a lot of ideas, some good and some inevitably bad, some will wildly succeed for no reason and others will fail for no clear reason. Still, we can be excited for the journey!
I am deep diving into this world now and will be announcing some projects in the weeks and months to come. I want to explore the medium as an art forms; as a foundation for community; and iterate on the possibilities connected to the underlying smart contracts.  

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