Happy Mother’s Day! A day to Celebrate those who Mother

Lego scene of a mother feeding her daughter.

Lego scene of a mother feeding her daughter.A big (belated) Happy Mother’s Day to all of you out there! No matter how you came to be a mother or even if you simply desire to be a mother – thank you!

We see and admire all that you do. The sleepless nights, the comforting arms, the calm explanations, even the stern corrections. We know it is not easy to continue on as you do, day in and day out, and we thank you!  

I believe Mother’s day is a broad celebration. It is for those who gave birth and those who did not. It is for those who desire to be a mother or who once were but are no longer. It is for those who have many children or a single child. For the mothers of multiple generations or the mothers who step in where there is a vacuum. It is for those who are on their own or for those who have a village. It is for aunts who dote on their nieces and nephews. For sisters, who care for the siblings. It is for stepmothers, grandmothers, and all the many pre-fixes that attach to the core word, mother.

For those who do not have mothers, my heart is with you, but it is a day to remember or imagine. It is a day to celebrate those who mother us throughout our lives no matter who they are or what relation they have to us. 

I do not believe that an act of biology creates a parent. I believe that it creates an opportunity. It creates a chance for us as parents to choose to step up. We are owed nothing by our children. We owe them everything.

It is the day in and day out choices and actions that shape, create, and define a parent. It is an ongoing struggle but for all its trouble, it is wonderful, magical, and incredible! Mothers all around wake up each day and choose to mother over and over. Every stinky diaper, every meal prepped, every scraped knee, every act of child-like defiance, every tired step, every distracted moment, every transition from work to parenthood in the blink of an eye, every bath time struggle, every phone call about laundry, every message of joy and sadness is a choice and all of those choices make a parent.

Alyse loves being a Mommy. She’s also quite good at it!

She has always known, in her heart of hearts, that she wanted to be a mom. When it was just us and our fur babies, she doted on them (yes, we’re talking clothes and bling all the way) and now that we have human babies she’s completely obsessed! She loves her sleep but loves spending time with her babies, even in the middle of the night. She loves her shows but is happy watching Baby Einstein or Mickey Mouse for the thousandth time. She is completely in her element when she is mothering and it is a sight to behold. I am very lucky to partner with her and our children are even more blessed by her!

It is our desire that everyone who wishes to make the choice have the opportunity. We also realize that it is not for everyone. For those who wish not to be mothers, we salute you too. For those who wish for it, there is possibility. 

We were blessed by the ability to adopt three times over. It is possible and while it requires patience, strength, and resources, it is not as impossible as it seems. If we can help by telling our story or by more actively making connections and supporting directly, then we would love to do so.

Happy Mother’s day and a big thank you to all of you out there who choose or chose, every day, to Mother.

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