The first step is the most important. I just wrote about it, including an amazing quote from Lord of the Rings!
But is it? What about the other thousand miles (or shall we assume a step is about a foot and its more like 5,280,000 steps)? All it takes is one step to get started but it takes the next step to keep moving and then the next to cover distance. After all, a step is simply a point in space. It takes two to create direction and magnitude.
I just wrote about the act of launching a podcast and framed it as a first step for MirthnCo. Truthfully, its simply where I decided to start the story.
In my mind, releasing content is a great place to define a first step. Its a tangible action that turns ideas into something tangible.
I have ideas galore. I love Neil Gaiman’s concept of the compost heap of ideas because its such a real visual. Ideas are relatively easy to come up with; good ideas are harder. They tend to come from a combination of other ideas. In the compost heap, ideas that get heaped into the pile break down and recombine to grow into something much more fertile.
Its take one of those fertile ideas and acting on it where all the work begins. I defined launching the podcast of stories as my first step goal because its taking those ideas and putting them out into the world where I cannot just pull them back and keep them to myself.
But so what?
Many people take the first step – however its defined. Then, other ideas press in, other responsibilities push out, and the vector fades. Perhaps then the most important step is actually the next one. The ability to keep going is probably the most important element of the journey. Even more than starting. Many start and many quit. That may be fine or even better for them personally, I’m not here to question people’s choices, but the step where it all broke down was not the first nor the last, it was the next one that was not taken.
While attempting to launch multiple vectors at once, I’m learning even more about the value of the next step. Its not so different than basic project management (goal, objectives, steps, tasks) but when all the steps are yours, it takes some work to prioritize and determine which steps, in what order. I’ve discussed this before and am reiterating it now: if you know what comes next, then you can immediately use the time you have to create value and not just scramble.
This is even more true for me as I re-enter the world of work from several weeks off. While I did not take the weeks completely off from any work, my mindset was shifted out of productivity into relaxation. That was absolutely necessary and it was quite nice. However, re-entry can often negate all rest and focus with conflicting priorities and an overwhelming number of next steps to take. Re-enter the Flamingo. A definitive goal built of solid objectives constructed of tasks will guide next steps. In the midst of chaos, I know what I need to do next. And, if I find myself sitting down to work one day and I’m flailing around, uncertain of where to go or what to do. Then, I re-evaluate my objectives in light of my goal. What comes next? What needs to get done to accomplish that?
For me, at the moment, my objective is to start publishing. Its to start that first step, again. Content creation is a constant for me. Every day I write, whether I feel like it or not. That is how the stories take shape and come to life. But there are operational next steps that have to take place. I want to build a podcast. There are steps to make that happen. I believe a newsletter will make it easier for people to see what we are up to on EntreBurnor and to follow along. There are steps to launch that. Keep a clear eye on those tasks and knowing what needs to come next or, forget knowing, choosing what comes next, right or wrong, allows for productivity even in those very short moments.
I would like to help those of you doing your own thing (or thinking about doing your own thing) work out what comes next. Contrary to some guides, one cannot simply believe an operational business into place! So, I’ll journal each objective or step as I work through it. This will include:
- Content Creation
- Intellectual Property
- Social Media
- Setting up a website.
- Establishing a blog
- Starting a newsletter.
- Legal business formation.
- Making money (may be more than one post here)
- Plus, anything else that pops up and seems valuable to share!
This will all be in addition to my usual observations on family, parenting, and adoption, quasi philosophical business commentary, thoughts on books and games, and general updates. There are probably too many ideas rattling around this brain of mine (enter the idea journal or rejected ideas log) so there will also be tangents, offshoots, and revisited themes.
The next step now is to publish this and get back to work. As always, please reach out if anything really interests you, if you have questions, or if you’d like me to try something new. No promises but I’m always up for an experiment!
Here’s to those 5,280,000 steps!