Category: Living this Life

  • Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    This time of year is can easily become overwhelming. With clean up from Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas, New Year’s, and/or your holidays of choice, there are a lot of to-do lists, to-hang lists, to-get lists, etc, etc and life can easily become cluttered and messy. I find the “things” pile up and the stress levels rise.…

  • The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    Time. The great equalizer. The eternal constant. A constant novelty. A complexity that is nothing more than the concept developed by humans to better understand the constant passing of the moment from future to current to memory. I tend to take time for granted, like so many others. But lately, I’ve found my self thinking about…