Tag: blockchain

  • How commonality and exclusivity drive Communities

    How commonality and exclusivity drive Communities

    All too often, the internet is attacked as something that divides people. The idea is that it creates bubbles for each of us and time spent looking at the internet on a phone or computer or TV is somehow time wasted from community. I would argue that like almost all things, a proper balance is…

  • Mirth and Company: the Way Forward

    Mirth and Company: the Way Forward

    My main goal of EntreBurnor is to journal the development of our different companies and brands. I started by listing out what we are currently working on and hinting at more. Now, where is Mirth and Company? Short answer is that it is growing and in constant development, if a bit slowly. Mirth (standard shorthand for…

  • Real Physical Communities Online

    Real Physical Communities Online

    We tend be somewhat hypocritical about time spent online, its value against time in the physical world, and how we value it. For example, there is often fear that if kids, and especially adolescents, spend too much time on computers, phones, or the internet in general that they are being anti-social and are missing out on…

  • Non-Fungible Toys?

    Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing the world right under our feet. At the forefront of that evolution are non-fungible tokens, or NFT’s. However, right now NFT’s are most associated with pixelated characters, overpriced art, and games. We were promised revolution and all we have are non-fungible toys? The mainstream view of NFT’s has been that of…

  • Blockchains and NFT’s

    I am not overly technical. I am a wordsmith, storyteller, entertainer, educator, negotiator, writer, father, husband, and I like to think many other things. While I have always been interested in tech, my passions and hobbies have veered in other directions. I enjoy the fruits of technical labor but have never succeeded at crafting my…