Tag: content

  • The Next Step (then the next one) – Build the Vector

    The Next Step (then the next one) – Build the Vector

    The first step is the most important. I just wrote about it, including an amazing quote from Lord of the Rings!  But is it? What about the other thousand miles (or shall we assume a step is about a foot and its more like 5,280,000 steps)? All it takes is one step to get started…

  • Every Empire Starts with a Single Step – EntreBurnor, a Journal

    Every Empire Starts with a Single Step – EntreBurnor, a Journal

    “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings There are a lot of business guides out there. This is not one of them. There are…

  • The Impact of Dynamic Characters

    A good character does not simply live in their world but they build it and shape it. They are more than the tools of a plot but they drive it, change it, and push it forward. To me, these are the best characters. The ones that fly off the pages and seem relatable, whether you…

  • Interconnected Islands: Distributing Content Across the Wild Web

    Our current endeavors are all about content creation. Alyse is building rapport with her followers and narrating our life journey. Calvin is making videos and Instagram posts of cool Lego builds. I’m writing stories and journaling it all here. Content has to be consumed to be of any value to anyone. Otherwise, it is nothing…