Tag: entreburnor

  • Relaunching Entreburnor – Where has it been?

    I hope that my journey, my struggles, my mistakes, and all that I am learning can inspire and support you on your journey!

  • Next Step – Domain Names and Website Hosting – Staking A Claim on the Wild, Wild Internet

    Next Step is an ongoing deep journal of the specific steps that are needed to launch, build, and foster different kinds of businesses. In our modern, internet drenched age, the owning of domain names is barely one step past branding. Once you have decided on a brand, it would behoove you to make your way to…

  • The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    Time. The great equalizer. The eternal constant. A constant novelty. A complexity that is nothing more than the concept developed by humans to better understand the constant passing of the moment from future to current to memory. I tend to take time for granted, like so many others. But lately, I’ve found my self thinking about…

  • Book Guide: The Hard Thing about Hard Things

    Book Guide: The Hard Thing about Hard Things

    Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and books are the core of many individuals not so secret sauce to growth, ideation, and success. From time to time, I will return deep dive into some of my favorite books. Many of them cover so much ground, I may return to them a few times! Although…

  • Interconnected Islands: Distributing Content Across the Wild Web

    Our current endeavors are all about content creation. Alyse is building rapport with her followers and narrating our life journey. Calvin is making videos and Instagram posts of cool Lego builds. I’m writing stories and journaling it all here. Content has to be consumed to be of any value to anyone. Otherwise, it is nothing…

  • Non-Fungible Toys?

    Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing the world right under our feet. At the forefront of that evolution are non-fungible tokens, or NFT’s. However, right now NFT’s are most associated with pixelated characters, overpriced art, and games. We were promised revolution and all we have are non-fungible toys? The mainstream view of NFT’s has been that of…

  • The Humble Watch

    There is something about wristwatches that drives me to need one on my wrist at almost all times. It is a familiar and comforting weight on my wrist and the simple convenience of of knowing what time it is at all time. Maybe I regiment and plan my time too much; maybe I need to…

  • My Birthday Resolutions

    My Birthday Resolutions

    This past week was my birthday. I’m not one who is into big parties for my birthdays, although Alyse has thrown me some awesome ones over the years. I do look forward to my birthday as an opportunity to reflect and plan. There is usually too much going on around New Year’s to do any…

  • The First

    This marks the beginning of an experiment under the moniker of an awful (amazing?) pun that I could not get out of my head. This website, EntreBurnor, and what it becomes will be my single location for journal entries, observations, communications, and general thought processes around parenthood, hobbies, investing, and, of course, starting businesses. In…