Tag: family

  • The Burnor’s: The Dates that Started Our Journey

    The Burnor’s: The Dates that Started Our Journey

    June 6, 2015March 26, 2018March 4, 2022June 23, 2022 These are the dates that made our family. While there are many dates that actually make a family and these are not birthdays. They are the dates that made the Burnor’s, the Burnor’s.  The first date is the day Alyse and I said I do; the day we…

  • The Burnor’s: Our Adoption Story

    The Burnor’s: Our Adoption Story

    We knew early on in our relationship that our path might lead to adoption. I must say that I’m proud that we not only knew this but welcomed the opportunity.    In 2016, Alyse and I had a good year but a tough one. We moved into a new house that we loved, with an…

  • The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    The Constant, Inevitable Novelty of Time

    Time. The great equalizer. The eternal constant. A constant novelty. A complexity that is nothing more than the concept developed by humans to better understand the constant passing of the moment from future to current to memory. I tend to take time for granted, like so many others. But lately, I’ve found my self thinking about…