Tag: planning

  • Relaunching Entreburnor – Where has it been?

    I hope that my journey, my struggles, my mistakes, and all that I am learning can inspire and support you on your journey!

  • Next Step – Domain Names and Website Hosting – Staking A Claim on the Wild, Wild Internet

    Next Step is an ongoing deep journal of the specific steps that are needed to launch, build, and foster different kinds of businesses. In our modern, internet drenched age, the owning of domain names is barely one step past branding. Once you have decided on a brand, it would behoove you to make your way to…

  • Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    This time of year is can easily become overwhelming. With clean up from Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas, New Year’s, and/or your holidays of choice, there are a lot of to-do lists, to-hang lists, to-get lists, etc, etc and life can easily become cluttered and messy. I find the “things” pile up and the stress levels rise.…

  • Next Step: Reputation in the Wild – Why Establish a Brand

    Next Step: Reputation in the Wild – Why Establish a Brand

     Branding is fascinating and very important for any company or project . I am no expert but its something I think about a lot. This post is reflective of my own uninformed, non-educated musings on the topic and early efforts at doing it myself for multiple projects. I look forward to returning to this idea…

  • The Next Step (then the next one) – Build the Vector

    The Next Step (then the next one) – Build the Vector

    The first step is the most important. I just wrote about it, including an amazing quote from Lord of the Rings!  But is it? What about the other thousand miles (or shall we assume a step is about a foot and its more like 5,280,000 steps)? All it takes is one step to get started…

  • Every Empire Starts with a Single Step – EntreBurnor, a Journal

    Every Empire Starts with a Single Step – EntreBurnor, a Journal

    “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings There are a lot of business guides out there. This is not one of them. There are…

  • Grim Soul Survival: A Brutal Lesson in the Slow Build

    Grim Soul Survival: A Brutal Lesson in the Slow Build

    I love games. The problem solving. The slow build towards success. The big payoff. If you know me, then you know that I always manage to find a way to keep gaming. Some games are lighthearted distractions, some are team building and cooperative, some are just enough dopamine to keep you constantly playing, and some…

  • The Horror and Majesty of the Omnipresent To-Do List

    The Horror and Majesty of the Omnipresent To-Do List

    I’m sure that we all have them. On our phones, sticky notes, backs of envelopes, white boards, all over where we live. They may be one item long or they may be lines and lines long. It is, the horror and majesty of the omnipresent to-do list! The all-powerful to-do list is probably one of the…

  • The Art of Raising Children to Become Themselves

    The Art of Raising Children to Become Themselves

    We should not raise kids to become what we want them to be, rather, we raise kids to become what they want to become, to be the best versions of themselves, not something pre-conceived. I think this is one of the best and hardest lessons to learn as a parent. Truthfully, I do not remember…

  • How commonality and exclusivity drive Communities

    How commonality and exclusivity drive Communities

    All too often, the internet is attacked as something that divides people. The idea is that it creates bubbles for each of us and time spent looking at the internet on a phone or computer or TV is somehow time wasted from community. I would argue that like almost all things, a proper balance is…