Tag: planning

  • Interconnected Islands: Distributing Content Across the Wild Web

    Our current endeavors are all about content creation. Alyse is building rapport with her followers and narrating our life journey. Calvin is making videos and Instagram posts of cool Lego builds. I’m writing stories and journaling it all here. Content has to be consumed to be of any value to anyone. Otherwise, it is nothing…

  • The Art of Building Universes

    I love well built environments. To me there is nothing more fascinating than diving deep into an amazing world through the eyes of intelligent characters. That’s a large part of the wonder of some of the best science fiction and fantasy out there. Just hearing words like Narnia, Middle Earth, Hogwarts, Tatooine, or Roshar immediately…

  • Writing through Writer’s Block

    Just do something. Write what you are thinking about. Get started. The words will flow from there. At the risk of being way too meta, this post is about writer’s block and trouble thinking because I have writer’s block and am having trouble thinking. How’s that for staying relevant to the journey? I am sick.…

  • Mirth and Company: the Way Forward

    Mirth and Company: the Way Forward

    My main goal of EntreBurnor is to journal the development of our different companies and brands. I started by listing out what we are currently working on and hinting at more. Now, where is Mirth and Company? Short answer is that it is growing and in constant development, if a bit slowly. Mirth (standard shorthand for…

  • My Birthday Resolutions

    My Birthday Resolutions

    This past week was my birthday. I’m not one who is into big parties for my birthdays, although Alyse has thrown me some awesome ones over the years. I do look forward to my birthday as an opportunity to reflect and plan. There is usually too much going on around New Year’s to do any…

  • Planning – The Dirty Diaper

    All the planning in the world, all the preparations and careful creation of strategies will not stand against the dirty diaper. It has to be dealt with and if its a number two, for everyone’s sake, there is no putting it off. It is the immediate and unavoidable disruption to a well-laid plan, a scheduled…