Tag: productivity

  • Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    Clutter – The Invisible Enemy Hiding in Plain Sight

    This time of year is can easily become overwhelming. With clean up from Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas, New Year’s, and/or your holidays of choice, there are a lot of to-do lists, to-hang lists, to-get lists, etc, etc and life can easily become cluttered and messy. I find the “things” pile up and the stress levels rise.…

  • The Horror and Majesty of the Omnipresent To-Do List

    The Horror and Majesty of the Omnipresent To-Do List

    I’m sure that we all have them. On our phones, sticky notes, backs of envelopes, white boards, all over where we live. They may be one item long or they may be lines and lines long. It is, the horror and majesty of the omnipresent to-do list! The all-powerful to-do list is probably one of the…

  • Writing through Writer’s Block

    Just do something. Write what you are thinking about. Get started. The words will flow from there. At the risk of being way too meta, this post is about writer’s block and trouble thinking because I have writer’s block and am having trouble thinking. How’s that for staying relevant to the journey? I am sick.…